Friday, September 30, 2011

Get Well Soon...

To Patrick "Skip" Heaney, former Southampton Town supervisor, who underwent angioplasty earlier this week after suffering a heart attack late last week.

And a reminder to everyone out there, from someone who knows: Get a stress test, and do it regularly, whether or not you've had problems. For many people, the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is a fatal heart attack. But a stress test can often detect problems before a heart attack--which is what happened in my case.

For Real This Time...

Okay, one more time...we're gonna try to make this blogging thing work.

It's a vicious circle--I don't blog because nobody is reading, nobody reads because I'm not blogging. I will try to do my part over the next few weeks, but I'm going to need some support from friends and co-workers as followers and commenters till we get this tiny spark roaring like a bonfire. Teamwork! (Worth noting: Dana, my wife, is still not a follower.)

First things first...I'm still using the "Wolverine" photo from the 30 seconds I had the mutton chops (just long enough to snap the photo before cutting them off). I need a new photo to run as a profile photo. I've got a few options--I'll need you all to give your opinions in the comments section, and the top vote-getter wins.

Okay, here we go:

* Choice No. 1: A current photo, long hair and all. (I haven't taken this one yet.)

* Choice No. 2: The dark, sullen me:

* Choice No. 3: Steve Kotz turning me into a cuckold:

* Choice No. 4: Glenn Danzig of the heavy metal band Danzig, buying cat litter, while wearing a Danzig T-shirt:

* Choice No. 5: Funny and ironic:

* Choice No. 6: The horrifying "pigmonkey" (this is not photoshopped--it's a real thing):

Choose wisely, my friends.

Newspapers' Death Has Been Exaggerated

...At least community newspapers.

This was a nice boost from an article in the Atlantic about a Pew Research Center study, which confirms what we already know: despite the dire economic projections, community newspapers are still important.

Local Newspapers Still Matter (Atlantic)